
Politecnico di Milano is a scientific-technological public university that trains engineers, architects and designers.

It has always focused on the quality and innovation of teaching and research, developing a fruitful relationship with the economic and productive reality through experimental research and technology transfer.

The Department of Architecture and Urban Studies – DAStU is a thematic and interdisciplinary research structure of the Politecnico di Milano established in January 2013 from the merger of two pre-existing departments – the Department of Architecture and Planning (DiAP) and the Department of Architectural Planning (DPA) – and today welcomes a large scientific community, made up of a total of 168 teachers and 40 technicians administrative and administrative structures, and around 350 collaborators to support training, research and administration activities.

The Department carries out research, design experimentation and training in the fields of architectural and urban design, spatial planning and territorial governance, urban policies, conservation and intervention on the built and natural heritage, historical interpretation -criticism of architecture and the city.

It is one of the most important research structures in Italy in the field of city and territory disciplines, located in a solid international network of centres of excellence and open to forms of cooperation with institutional and social actors at local, national and international level.

Politecnico di Milano is the coordinator of the PALIMPSEST project.









Institute of Communication and Computer Systems

ICCS, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, is a non-profit Academic Research Body established in 1989 by the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs to carry applied Research and Development activity in the areas of telecommunications, computer systems and their application in a variety of research themes. ICCS is linked to the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and in particular with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). ICCS consists of more than 50 labs, research groups and teams, dealing with all aspects of Electrical and Computer Engineering and employs approximately 800 researchers and scientists including Faculty Members, permanent or long-term Researchers.

In the PALIMPSEST project, ICCS is represented by one of its Research Groups, the I-SENSE Group. I-SENSE Group consists of more than 100 researchers of various ranks and is very active in a number of scientific and research areas, with main application areas being the Intelligent Transportation Systems, the Virtual Environments, the Assistive Technologies and the Smart Integrated Systems & Communication. I-SENSE has coordinated and participated in more than 150 Research Projects, both EU funded and National ones, over the last 20 years, and has worked with several industry leaders since its establishment in 2002, serving currently as the Coordinator of the following projects: HYPERION, THETIDA,  Cyber-MAR,5G-IANAIN-PREPeCharge4Drivers, CitySCAPE and DIONE.

ICCS is the Communication & Dissemination Manager of PALIMPEST, leading the project’s communication & dissemination strategy and implementation. Moreover, ICCS will use the CirculAR augmented reality application with the aim of disseminating the sustainability of cultural heritage landscapes, demonstrating landscape creation, empowering Culture and Creative Industries and also evaluating and validating engagement and user acceptance of proposed solutions and services. In addition, the CirculAR application will support the visualization of various contents that will be prepared within the project where they will be supported by advanced functions (game, educational content, object detection, etc.). Finally, the EPF will contribute to replication and scalability activities.

Dr. Angelos Amditis


Irini Krimpa


Dr. Tina Katika


Konstantinos Koukoudis


Spyros Bolierakis


Chris Maroglou


Karakorum is a cultural and creative enterprise that works to transform culture into a strategic element for sustainable development. Artists become protagonists of transition processes and valuable interlocutors for all sectors and areas of value production at a social, environmental and economical level.

Karakorum operates both at regional and national level, but chose to take root in Varese, a small town on the Swiss border, where, alongside its work in artistic, immersive and participatory production, it carries out a cultural-based urban regeneration project.



COAL, association created in 2008 by professionals contemporary art, ecology and research, mobilizes artists and cultural actors on the societal and environmental issues and promotes essential role of creation and culture in awareness, the transformation of territories, and the implementation of concrete solutions.

Lauranne Germond


Sara Dufour


Semantika is an innovative software development company based in Maribor, Slovenia with experience in Software Development, Web Solutions, Mobile and Multi-Touch Applications, specialising in high security and data intensive applications. Semantika is primarily active in the area of research and development of advanced software solutions, especially for the cultural heritage sector, including two in-house developed products:

  • Galis – a collection management system, used by more than 70 institutions in three countries and
  • Dynamic Data Development Platform – enabling us to quickly deliver custom build data intensive software for a wide variety of clients, already used in a range of sectors.

Semantika’s team is also the author of MUSEUMS.EU – the largest portal for museums and galleries across Europe. This vast resource features hundreds of thousands of records, from collections and objects to exhibitions and events.

Semantika also has a registered research department that develops innovative algorithms in the area of data analytics and reporting and collaborates with the development team in all bigger projects with larger amounts of data that need to be analysed using modern artificial intelligence supported methods.

Semantika has the role of a technical partner in the PALIMPSEST project, with its primary focus dedicated to the development of a digital repository.

Sašo Zagoranski

Marko Kokol

Nina Zagoranski

Novelcore is a consulting, programming and information systems design company established in 2019. Its team comprises a group of full-time ICT experts, researchers, developers, project managers and administrative personnel. The fields of research and innovation that Novelcore mainly focuses on are technologically oriented to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning techniques, Big Data Analysis, Knowledge Management, Distributed Ledger technologies and Internet of Things. Its main areas of expertise are deliberation mapping and analytics, knowledge graphs and explainable Human-Machine Intelligence, building Machine Learning pipelines for knowledge discovery and AI Data Schema Transformers.

Novelcore is currently involved in 6 European Projects (Horizon Europe) in the fields of Education, Health, Democracy, Heritage and Security, as well as in 1 national project in the field of Internet of Things. The company has a leading role in the development of innovative technological solutions using the aforementioned technologies and it is the technical coordinator in 2 Horizon Europe projects.

Within PALIMPSEST project, Novelocore participates in WP3 “Hybrid Prototyping” which scope is to provide a methodological framework to translate landscape architecture, design and arts into practices and into landscape services, to develop the service business model, to design per each service the sustainable finance infrastructure and to create hybrid prototypes for each service to be used for the testing in the pilots. Novelcore is leading task 3.3 “Business model and PLS schemes”.

Dimitris Tsakalidis


Dimitris Charalampakis


The gardens are spaces of dialogue between society and nature, laboratories where the potential of plants, animals and human desires are linked.

Nomad Garden aims to encourage and rethink these alliances by developing projects and tools aimed at enhancing the value of gardens, landscapes or urban ecological infrastructures as spaces for coexistence combining classic approaches with more innovative ones linked to data analysis and visualization or digital cartography.

We see urban landscapes as emergent systems with the capacity to readapt themselves through the interaction of their own elements. We understand that other more sustainable interactions are possible in cities, as they are already happening spontaneously. That is why we like to think of projects as opportunities to discover these latent potentialities, as well as to design actions and devices to consolidate the most creative and resilient tendencies.

María Salas Mendoza Muro

Sergio Rodríguez Estévez

Łódź Art Center since 2007 has been organizing the Łódź Design Festival, a pioneering event that supports the development of the Polish creative sector, attracting both industry leaders (i.e. designers, producers and distributors) and recipients not professionally related to this subject but who love good design.

The ŁDF program is an annual review of global design trends, presentation of concepts and future visions.


The festival is a forum for the exchange of experiences for creators and companies, and its goal is to discover and promote young talents and present the directions of design development to a wide audience.

The heart of the event is the main festival center – the post-industrial spaces of Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki in Łódź, but exhibitions, presentations, art installations and places accompanying the festival are located throughout the city.

#design #design #craft #graphics #architecture #urban planning #culture #environment #entrepreneurship #human #city #history #support


main theme – carried out as part of the main exhibitions and events of the ŁDF, is a commentary on the most important challenges of the modern world.

make me! – an international competition selecting the best projects created  by the young generation. The accompanying exhibition is a kind of picture of the world of the near future.

must have – plebiscite and exhibition presenting the best domestic utility implementations. It is also an opportunity to meet the most important Polish designers and manufacturers.

Archiblok – space for discussion, discussions about space. A block of expert presentations and discussions devoted to current topics in the field of architecture and urban planning.

Educreation – a zone dedicated to families with children. It is a space for creative fun and learning, regardless of age, status or knowledge.

open programme – recruitment addressed primarily to institutions, curators, artists and designers who would like to show the effects of their work to the festival audience.


_year-round activities

communication and education, promoting the subject of design, supporting the sector of creative industries; responding to the current needs of customers

_inspiring and educating

meetings with experts, practical and theoretical knowledge, supporting entrepreneurship, cooperation network, atmosphere conducive to the exchange of ideas and discussions

_high substantive level

constant development, local and international cooperation network, involvement of leading experts-curators, animators, artists, designers, architects, producers, journalists

_latest trends and tendencies

proprietary projects, market review, the best Polish designers, international designers of the youngest generation, visions of the future, answers to contemporary social problems

_space for everyone

inclusive and egalitarian activities, content and form tailored to diverse recipients, penetration of the world of experts and amateurs of good design

_recipient engagement

the constantly growing number of ŁDF participants, the need for year-round activities, the active attitude of the festival audience, the creation of socially engaged projects

_promoting creators

presentation and support for debuting artists from around the world, an overview of the best Polish designers, architects and producers, publications presenting the history of Polish design


Łódź Design Festival

Organizer: Łódź Art Center
Tymienieckiego 3, Łódź, Poland

Aleksandra Kietla

Boguslawa Bronowicka

Michał Piernikowski

The Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

The Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, also called ‘Sutnarka’ or ‘Sutnar Faculty’ for short, is a modern art school whose students, under the guidance of a number of important artists and designers, earn their Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in a wide range of fields focused mainly on design and applied art. It is located in an original building with state-of-the-art equipment and a number of unique studios. The faculty features a team of important art figures and renowned designers with experience from the private sector, under whose leadership students achieve significant success in Czech and international competitions, implement projects in cooperation with professional and international partners, and participate in a number of exhibition projects.

In addition to classic art disciplines, the Sutnar Faculty, following the example of renowned foreign schools, focuses on new trends and integrates the field of design with new technologies and research results with the aim of delivering socially beneficial and innovative solutions that respond to the challenges of the contemporary world. The Sutnar Faculty, as part of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, offers students unique opportunities for cooperation with other UWB faculties and research centres in order to find multidisciplinary and integrated solutions, under the guidance of experienced teachers, engineers, and scientists. With its activities and philosophy, the faculty continues the inspiring legacy of an important Pilsen native and internationally recognised Czech-American designer and visionary, Ladislav Sutnar.

The Faculty of Design and Art offers a wide range of educational and research programmes in social sciences and humanities. PALIMPSEST Team is spacialised in innovative installations aat the interface between design and art.

Jana Potiron


Zdeněk Fránek


Marta Kollerová


Kristina Zejkanova


Jan Popelka 



FUNDARTE is an artistic project programming quality events in all the classical performing and musical arts: theater, classical and contemporary music, flamenco, dance, opera and zarzuela and two external events: the Festival de Jerez and the Centro Lirico del Sur.

Carlos Granados

General Manager

Regional Agency for Agriculture and Forestry Services

ERSAF – Regional Agency for Agriculture and Forestry Services – is an instrumental body of the Lombardy Region, in charge of carrying out technical and promotional activities for the development of the agricultural and forestry sectors and for the rural territory, favoring transversality, multifunctionality and integration. With reference to the agricultural sector, the functions of ERSAF include specialist training, technical assistance, the development of technological innovation and company competitiveness, research and innovative services to agricultural companies and agri-food companies, the promotion of Lombardy production, including organic farming, as well as support for agriculture in mountainous and marginal areas and protected areas.

With reference to the forestry sector and the rural territory, the functions of ERSAF concern the management and enhancement of the regional forest property and the nursery activities and support of biodiversity, the carrying out of management activities on the territory relating to the functions of the regional phytosanitary service, the support technician in the sectors of production and use of biomass and in issues relating to the agri-environment and sustainable development of the territory, the study and enhancement of soils and phytoremediation, agro-meteorology, the enhancement and protection of native wildlife and fish, the defense hydrogeology and urban forestation. ERSAF also carries out technological and scientific research activities aimed at ecology and the economy on issues of interest to mountain areas.

Dario Kian

Daniela Masotti

Francesca Squadrelli

Daniele Drago

CULTURALINK is a consultancy firm specializing in research, analysis, counselling, and strategic planning in the cultural and creative sector. Our activities encompass the entire culture-creativity-innovation-development axis.

Our commitment at CULTURALINK is to provide high-quality products that improve people’s lives by placing culture and creativity at the centre of public and private practices. Our offerings are designed through rigorous processes by a team of experienced and highly qualified professionals.

Over the past two decades, CULTURALINK has established a strong network of relationships with leading experts, academic institutions, and consultancy entities in Spain and Europe. This long-standing collaboration has enabled us to acquire scientific, methodological, and technical know-how, solidifying our position as one of the most prestigious cultural consultancies in our field.

CULTURALINK is based in Spain, with offices in the Canary Islands and the Valencian Community. We are dedicated to serving our clients and the community with excellence.


Tony R. Murphy



BC3 is a research centre on the causes and consequences of climate change. Led by one of the most recognized scientists in the Climate Change field -Prof. Maria José Sanz, it produces multidisciplinary knowledge to support decision making towards sustainable development at the international level.

With a multidisciplinary team, connected to the main scientific institutions, networks and socio-economic agents, for a decade, its contribution to research of climate change and to the science-policy interface puts BC3 in an unique position to offer to Palimpsets knowledge, tools, new methodologies and cross-cutting ideas,  towards action into a collaborative framework with stakeholders, to design and help implement policies aimed at sustainable development.

Marcela Brugnach


Marc Neumann


Sergio Faria


Noelia Zafra Calvo


Silvia De Luis


ANCI Toscana is a non-profit association established to achieve the system of local and regional Tuscan autonomies founded on the principles of freedom, democracy and citizen participation. ANCI Tuscany represents 269 Municipalities and constitutes the regional branch of the National Association of Italian Municipalities that represents 7318 Italian Municipalities. The Association’s main aim is the promotion and strengthening of institutional, regulatory, financial and organizational autonomy of municipalities and other Tuscan autonomies derived by the municipalities, through continuous action aimed at promoting and supporting the effective implementation of the principles established by the Constitution of the Republic, the Statute of the Tuscany Region and European Charter of Local Autonomies.

Elena Conti


Lorena Vidas


Giulia Del Turco


Service Design Lab – Aalborg University in Copenhagen

We are an active research lab based in Copenhagen and part of Aalborg university, dedicated to studying and applying service design. We research and apply service design as an exploratory, co-creative and empowering approach to address issues of societal concern. Our vision is to contribute to knowledge on Service Design and innovation in the areas of 1. Civic service design: service design as an approach to support social innovation and innovation for society. 2. Data-driven service design: the possible contribution of Service Design to digitalization processes and 3. Strategy and design: strategic, entrepreneurial and innovation components of Service Design


The Service Design Lab was founded as the research support of the Service Design Master in 2012  at AAU – CPH. In those years, besides running and progressively improving the quality of the master, we have been working on small- and large-scale research projects, where service design fosters the collaboration of a variety of stakeholders. In particular, we have coordinated the Open4Citizens project and participated as WP leader or in a key role in some 10 international projects. Our competencies concern design-based frameworks and methods to empower citizens and other stakeholders in innovative active ndeavours. We have also been hosting several spin-off initiatives and events, such as the ServDes 2016 conference, a number of PhD courses, regular Service Design Talks, and other activities supporting the creation of a community and a network of actors interested in Service Design in Denmark. Our work has been widely documented in journal papers, conferences presentations and in the book Service Design Capability (Springer, 2020).




The City Council of Jerez (Ayuntamiento de Jerez) is the body in charge of the government and administration of the municipality of Jerez de la Frontera. The city is currently working on compiling the candidature for the European Capital of Culture 2025.

Lola Vallespí

Cultural Advisor

Eva Antona

Municipal Manager of the EU project office

Associated Partners