bc3 project partners Noelia Zafra-Calvo and Marcela Brugnach have presented PALIMPSEST  in the POLLEN conference (Lund, Sweden) on 10th of June. bc3 team presented results about three crucial co-production issues identified in PALIMPSEST in relation to knowledge: a) how can scientists and artists work together to co-produce knowledge for sustainability, b) what are the main needs, expectations and principles for science to co-create with artists, and c) what are the main tensions that normally arise in their interactions and how to tackle them.

This discussion is aligned with the PALIMPSEST research hypothesis, especially about the role of architecture, arts and design in designing solutions in line with the European Green Deal and contributing to the NEB initiative. As PALIMPSEST aims to probe, arts-based methods contribute to current social-ecological crises by grappling with landscape social-ecological dynamics and practices, shifting relationships to nature, and expanding epistemologies towards sensorial or spiritual realms; facilitating future visioning and transitions towards sustainability. Knowing how to best do that with artists and learn from the PALIMPSEST experience would contribute to other European cases.