On the 9-13 April 2024, POLIMI and ICCS attended the New European Bauhaus Festival 2024 (NEB 2024) where scientists, researchers, professors and top thinkers are at the forefront of shaping the future of Europe and the world, showcasing 70 out-of-the-box projects!

POLIMI held a stand at the NEB Festival and showcased all its NEB projects, being developed within the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies DAStU – Politecnico di Milano. PALIMPSEST was of course one of them and special postcards were designed and distributed during the event.

ICCS also joined the festival in booth 36 of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), networking on the extended reality solutions of the I-SENSE Group of ICCS which are part of the PALIMPSEST project as well.

Learn more about the Festival and the programme at europa.eu/!RrXDmF